
Thursday, June 24, 2010


There have been considerable advancements in the type of materials and innovations in the Lighting Industry in recent times. Newer and better materials like Halogen bulbs and tubes, Gas based decorative accessories, low powered, high intensity lighting equipment are progressively being developed with an eye on the power saving characteristics coupled with functionality.

What Are LED's?

An LED is electronically a simple diode that emits light when power flows through the system. This power requirement is often as less as a few volts as coming from an ordinary dry cell. An LED is not a very new invention but the advancements in technology of manufacturing as well as usage makes it a very cheaper alternative. The size and luminescence of an LED is not much, but when used in clusters along with good quality reflectors and other materials its luminosity can be compared to any conventional source of light.

The color of an LED depends upon the material used in the components. The early LEDs were capable of emitting only infrared and red light, the newer models, however, are available in a variety of colors by using different elements. The colored LED’s are generally slightly costlier than the "standard" red LED.

Krypton Bulbs

With advancements in technology, many inert gases have found usage in lighting accessories because of their characteristic of giving out light when electrons flow thru them on application of voltage difference to its terminals. The color and luminosity of light varies as per the gas. For e.g. Halogen has yellow light, whereas neon gives white or blue light. Krypton is a colorless, odorless, inert gas used in lighting products. Ionized krypton gas appears whitish - which makes krypton-based bulbs useful as a brilliant white light source in high speed photography and other important lighting use as in high-powered, flashing airport runway lights since its bright lights can be seen as far away as a 1000 ft, despite foggy conditions.

The krypton uses include its use in lamps, advertising signs, bulbs, etc. Its use in fluorescent lights leads to reduction of power consumption significantly. Krypton is also used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Technical Comparison

1. Usage - Both these materials are increasingly finding usage in various lighting accessories like Flashlight, Emergency Light, Hand Lantern, headlamps.
2. Power Consumption - The power consumption of LED is about 25 % lower than that of similar Krypton based items.
3. Economy - The Manufacturing Cost of Krypton is also higher as compared to LED. It is also easy to maintain and replace.
4. Ergonomics – Both LED based lighting sources as well as Krypton based sources are available in the most modern designs and are in no way less than each other in functionality.
5. Availability – Krypton is a rare earth element hence difficult to obtain since the process involves fractional distillation of liquefied air which is a costly process. LCD on the other hand, can be made rather conveniently and in fact the cost of manufacture of this is reducing by the day!
6. Color And Luminosity – Krypton based products have greaer luminosity, however even the LCD based products are quite comparable and find more use because of wider range of colored lights that they can display.

An LED is a clear winner in almost all the aspects. It can last well over 20,000 hours, its lifespan significantly surpassing most other incandescent and fluorescent type of bulbs and tubes. Not only that, the output and power consumption of LEDs is incessantly being meliorated. Most manufactures are producing LED bulbs in which the energy efficiency is far better than that of krypton and other type of fluorescent bulbs.

1. How LED Lights Are Made

2. Krypton Uses


What Is Collagen?

Most of us have often heard the mention of Collagen. But how many actually know as to what exactly is it? Collagen is essentially a form of protein that has a great tensile strength. Collagen can be found in all the parts of human body, including the skin. It is the presence of collagen in our skin that accounts for its elasticity and. Strength. The appearance of our skin is greatly influenced by adequate quantity or lack of Collagen. With aging, there is a marked decrease in the amount of collagen which results in appearance of wrinkles. In the world of modern science, one can bring forth the youthful appearance of the skin by increasing the levels of collagen.

Wonders of Marine Collagen

Marine Collagen is the collagen derived from marine sources such as assorted variety of saltwater algae like Laminaria and Padina and also from Cod fish and deep sea fish. The products made from marine sources are usually restricted to external applications like facial creams and facial masks. They are also meant for oral ingestion. But as yet, there is no injected version of this product.

Sources of Marine Collagen

Marine collagen essentially comes from the deep-sea fish like codfish; the product is environmental friendly because only the unwanted parts of the fish are made use of. Marine collagen is also more superior to animal collagen because of lesser environmental pollutants.

Principles of Use of Marine Collagen

On its own, collagen would never be absorbed freely by human skin because of its higher molecular weight and denser composition. But it is converted into a product that can be easily absorbed by addition of polypeptides. Its regular use assists the skin in synthesizing fresh fibers in the skin.

Types of Collagen

Type I - This variety is found naturally occurring in our bones, skin, tendons and other tissues.

Type III - This is found in faster growing parts and tissues of our body. This is found more amongst children whose skin is therefore soft to touch. It diminishes in quantity after the age of 35 and hence the needs for use of external products like Marine Collagen.

Advantages of Marine Collagen

Marine collagen easily scores over human or bovine based collagen sources. It primarily stimulates the growth of collagen in our skin. With polypeptide being used in manufacture of marine collagen, it quickens the synthesis process and initiates new collagen molecules under our skin.

Dosage and Use of Marine Collagen

It is to be used twice a day by way of external application after Cleansing the face and neck preferably with warm water so as to open the pores. Shake the bottle well before applying a few drops generously on the face and the neck. Care must be taken to avoid eyelids.

Benefits of Marine Collagen

 Marine collagen helps in maintaining skin strength and elasticity by initiating the new collagen synthesis in its underlying layers.
 As the fibers density in the skin increases, the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles decreases.
 Collagen leads to renewal of the cells.
 It minimizes contraction of the facial muscles, which is one of the main causes of wrinkles.
 It is external usage product, hence is easy to use with absolutely no side effects.

As you reach the age of 40, natural collagen synthesis slows down. The less collagen in the skin is responsible for the appearance of fine line and later on, the more visible wrinkles. To help your skin rejuvenate, marine collagen from aquatic sources is the best-known collagen source. When you apply products containing the collagen, you feel the revitalizing effect and glow in your skin.

Most of the big names in cosmetic industry like L’Oreal, Eleris as well Olay have started marketing capsules and creams consisting marine Collagen. Unlike any cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery procedures, there is absolutely no surgery, injections, harmful side effects or hospital admission involved.

1. Stay Young with Marine Collagen Marine-Collagen&id=4025760
2. Marine Collagen


Losses in wheat seed can occur due to various reasons; these include post-harvest factors such as inadequate storage, pests well as rodent infestation. Therefore, development of proper wheat seed insect control method and technique is an important issue.

Reasons for Deterioration In Wheat Seed

This can be due to -

• physical conditions like humidity and temperature
• biological factors like arthropod, micro-flora, vertebrate
• Technical reasons like poor storage conditions and techniques.
The Main Objectives Of Any Insect Control Method
• Reducing pest incidence to economically acceptable levels
• Ensuring that all the control measures adopted are cost-effective
• Ensuring minimal negative environmental effects.

Importance of Monitoring Insect Infestations

Needless to say, frequent monitoring of storage conditions is essential for wheat seed insect control as it helps to identify problems in a timely manner. On the other hand, rodents are not affected by physical conditions of temperature or humidity, and their only requirement is gaining access to the wheat seed. Therefore, for avoiding of damage to stored wheat seed grains due to rodents the rodent-proof storage buildings should be built.

Using Synthetic Insecticides For Control Of Insects

Chemical treatment of grain and fumigation can be conducted since many sustainable and cost-effective techniques are available. The use of insecticides (e.g. chlorpyrifos-methyl, malathion, or deltamethrin) done through impregnation of prophylactic tarps or jute bags is common in the Asian subcontinent as a means of insect control. Disrupting mating opportunities of insects by use of synthetic sex pheromones has also been found effective. A sound mix of all the techniques can lead to an effective wheat seed insect control.

Use Of Inert Insect Repellents

Use of silica-bearing ash and dust with stored grain can effectively control storage insects. The ash of rice husk contains almost 90 percent silica and has been extensively used as an insecticide by farmers in India and Japan. Besides this, vegetable oils like the peanut oil and palm oil are very effective against certain pests like bruchid beetles. For areas where pesticides are expensive, vegetable oils like groundnut, sunflower and rap-seed mixed in pirimiphos-methyl is very effective especially against S. granarius in the wheat grain.

Botanical Insect Repellents

Certain Plant products are very effective for protecting wheat seed and other stored grain from insect damage. For example, the powdered roots of Derris elliptica, dried fruits of Capsicum, and the seeds and leaves of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica) are very effective insecticides. So are the leaves from Schinese molle, Eucalyptus globulus, Datura stramonium, Lycopersicum esculentum and Phytolacca dodecandra, as they cause high rate of adult weevil mortality.

Certain aromatic plants have also been found effective in eliminating grain storage insects. Extracts of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) and mace, with their high acetone content are found to be reasonably contact toxic and work as strong repellents to S. oryzae, Similar effects are achieved with oil and seed extracts of Til (Anethum graveolens) and coriander (Coriandrum sativum) and are very effective in wheat seed insect control.

Resistant Crop Cultivars To Storage Insect Damage

Use of resistant cultivar reduces insect fecundity (i.e. effective egg production), thus reducing the rate of their population increase.

Thus, the important principle procedures for effective wheat seed insect control are:
• Prediction and prevention of insect infestation,
• Selection of appropriate insecticides and its dosage,
• Effective application of insecticides,
• Safe method of insecticide application and understanding label information.

It is essential to follow an “Integrated Pest Management” (IPM) regime, which essentially is the coordination between the physical, chemical and biological parameters which play an important role in wheat seed insect control - Therefore, customary pest control techniques for wheat seed insect control include:

 Having a controlled climate of cooling and aeration that reduces insect reproductive rate.
 Airtight storage atmosphere
 Heat treatment to disinfest grain(more than 60°C) ;
 Physical barriers for protection of uninfested grain;
 Fumigation with deep penetrating gases;
 Using contact insecticides for control of flying insects;
 Admixing of insecticides on grain
 Rodent control
 Using resistant crop cultivars.


Meat grinders are a useful kitchen appliance and very handy to have in every household. This is especially so in case your family is fond of having sumptuous meals consisting of patties, sausages etc made of freshly ground meat.

Type of Meat Grinders

Meat grinders can be manual or electric. While manual grinders are adequate for grinding lesser quantities of meat, electric grinders are most preferred for larger quantity. Also, they are simpler to operate.

Availability of Electric Meat Grinders

A number are options are available to you in case you wish to buy one such electric meat grinder. They are manufactured in the power range of 150 Watts up to 1000 Watts, although generally an electric meat grinder within the range of 300 to 500 Watts should suffice for a normal household.

Advantages of Electric Meat Grinders

1. Variety – A good quality electric meat grinder can easily grind any type of meat be it pork or beef, or even chicken or veal. It is also possible to customize grinding to suit your needs. Like someone would like to shred it course while the others may like it finely ground.

2. Economy – By having an electric meat grinder at home, one saves upon the cost of paying the butcher for your needs.

3. Saving In Time – The most important factor that is apparent by having an electric meat grinder at home is the amount of time that is saved by doing the grinding right in the comfort of your own kitchen

4. Quality Of Grinding – Since grinding is done fresh by the person going to use the meat, the quality is good because it suits the needs of the dish that’s going to be prepared. It also retains better taste and freshness.


What is Ammo?

“Ammo” is short form of the word Ammunition which in turn is derived from the French word munition. The type of ammunition ranges from smaller caliber weapons like the hand held weapons in the genre of revolvers, pistols and certain rifles to medium caliber automatic and semi automatic rifles and shotguns or the larger caliber artillery guns and special arms.

“Munitions”, on the other hand is a collective term for ammunition and in a broad term it covers all type of materials used in combat and includes bombs, warheads, missiles, mines etc. Ammo or Ammunition also includes those based on the support roles like the pyrotechnic or incendiary types of munitions.

Components of Ammo

The main components of ammunition are:

• Explosive materials and propellants
• Projectiles of all kinds
• Cartridges

A cartridge is the basic unit of ammo as far as its use in the rifles is concerned and is a combination of the bullet, primer and propellant. On the other hand we also use the term “round", which is synonymous with a cartridge containing a projectile, primer, propellant, and casing.

Various Types of Rifle Ammunitions?

Ammo design is based on the type of role or purpose for which it is used. We get various types of Rifle ammunition which could anti-personnel ammunition, Incendiary projectiles, Tracer ammunition, etc. Generally speaking, the ammo one commonly buys is the one most hobbyists use for game hunting as well as self protection.
What do we understand by Caliber of Rifle Ammo

The caliber of Rifle ammo one selects ranges from the type of usage and the need for accuracy. In guns including firearms, caliber or caliber is the approximate diameter of the barrel and by extension the projectile used in it, measured in inches or millimeters.

For a better performance it is important that a bullet closely matches the groove diameter of a barrel to ensure a good seal.

Some Key Rifle Cartridges

If one were to list out some of the most widely used and best cartridges it would read something like this:
 .22 Long Rifle – It is the most popular smallest caliber cartridge used all over the world for gaming as well as target shooting.
 .223 Remington – The most popular CXP1 class game cartridge for high performance and economy along with the .17 HMR or .22 Hornet.
 .243 Winchester –It is excellent, low recoil, long range cartridge for the smaller species of antlered game
 .260 Remington and the 6.5x55 – Both have identical ballistic properties, have low recoil and used as big game mountain rifles.
 .270 Winchester – It is standard of comparison among long range big game cartridges and one of the great all-around hunting cartridges.
 7mm Remington Magnum – This is the most popular of the entire world's magnum rifle cartridges.
 Winchester Model 94 and the Marlin 336 - long range cartridge both fast handling lever actions deemed nearly perfect for woods and brush country hunting.
 .30-06 Springfield - This is perhaps the most versatile single hunting cartridge of the last Century.
 .308 Winchester It is one of the most successful and widely used military and big game cartridges in the world.
 .338 Winchester Magnum This is without question the most popular and perhaps the most versatile of the flat shooting and hard hitting varieties.
 Above the .338 Caliber are.375 H&H Magnum, the .458 Winchester Magnum elephant cartridges and the .416 Rigby.
 .45-70 bore is ideal for woods or brush country hunting of heavy game and the big predators.

So if you are looking for acquiring a rifle it would be better to ponder upon the role and purpose that one would like to use it for and buy the Rifle and Ammo accordingly.


1. Wikepedia on firearms’ dimension. )
2. List of sizes by caliber: )
3. Information on cartridges )


Health is one of the primary concerns of human beings and everyone aims at keeping healthy and fit as far as possible. While there have been tremendous advances in the field of medical science, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, much health conscious people aim at prevention rather than cure. Hence, there is an increased emphasis on detoxifying the bodies by consuming wholesome and nutritious food that helps us in maintaining good health.

While there are various detoxification programs, the best solution lies in doing it naturally in our daily routine by resorting to gently detoxifying our bodies through our diet.

What Is Green Magma?

Barley grass is commercially called “Green Magma” as well as “Barley Green”. It is fast gaining popularity as super food, and a very potent nutritional supplement.

Benefits of Green Magma

Young barley grass has proven to be an exceedingly potent detoxifier. It contains abundant chlorophyll, enzymes, antioxidants, and many types of phytochemicals that neutralize unfriendly free radicals, pesticides and the food preservatives. Barley grass or green magma also contains vitamins, amino acids, proteins and host of minerals.

Significance of Green Magma

As per the free radical theory, the chemicals and toxins present in our food as well as in the environment around us cause changes in the cells of our body at atomic as well as molecular levels and cause them to break down.

Green Magma helps in restoring such conditions. This happens due to the following reasons -

Ø The phytochemicals present in Green Magma provide the necessary ingredients that protect our body from such radical damages caused in our daily life.

Ø The chlorophyll contained in Green Magma has many qualities and is useful in making our bodies more resilient by its inherent qualities that include detoxification, deodorizing and antibacterial effect.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

One of the important quality of Green Magma is that it gives higher alkalinity to the body and even the worst of diseases like cancer can not survive in the alkaline environment.

Additional Benefits of Green Magma

Besides being a superlative detoxifying agent, Green Magma has many other visible side effects. These include –

Ø Higher energy levels

Ø Healthier looking skin, hair and nails

Ø Increased regularity

Ø Greater mental acuity.

Other Significant Facts about Green Magma

The barley grass or Green Magma is grown without the use of harmful chemicals or pesticides by help of only the natural fertilizers in the most fertile soils of the world.

Green Magma i.e. Barley grass supplement and Barley Green are commercially available in powder form. It contains no added flavor, sugar, colors, animal products, fillers, gluten, soy or yeast. It is naturally occurring and is not genetically modified.

How to Consume Green Magma or Barley Green

In order to obtain its full benefits Green Magma should be taken in its natural form, mixed with water and without any additives. Never mix Barley Green or Green Magma with hot liquid since heat has a tendency of neutralizing its active enzymes.


Daily consumption of Green Magma provides the body with beneficial nutrients and promotes good health and vitality.

Research is still on in knowing this wonder nutrient better and helping to understand how and why Green Magma can provide so many benefits already known to millions of people across the globe.


1. Green Magma - The Natural Detoxifier


What Are the Benefits of Barley green - Green Magma?


With growing demands of an ever increasing population of the world, there is a need to increase the type and quality of food production by understanding the techniques and principles of breeding of plants to attain better yields.

One conventional method of doing so is by resorting to sexual hybridization. This essentially involves transporting pollen from one plant to another in order to obtain hybrids, which are generally of a better quality. Hybridization is done keeping the characteristics of the parent plants as well as the desired product in mind.

What is Pollen?

If you observe the structure of a flower, it contains of the Sepals, the Petals, the Stamen and the Pistols. A flower is the prime carrier of reproductory organs of a plant and these are the Pistols and the Stamen which carry male and female parts of a plant. Pollen is the fine or coarse powder that contains microgametophytes of the seed plants that produce male gametes (sperm cells).

Action of Pollen

Pollen grains bear a hard coat which protects the sperm cells during process of their movement from the stamens to the pistil of flowering plants.
After the pollen reaches a compatible pistil of the similar flowering plant, it germinates, that is - it transfers the sperm to the receptive ovary through a pollen tube.


(a) Self Pollination - In case the anthers of a plant are taller than its stigma, it leads to the plant being able to pollinate itself by allowing its own pollen to drift towards and into its own stigma, which is essentially a tube protecting the ovum, i.e. the female DNA part of the plant. After the pollen reaches its ovum, it fertilizes and forms the fruit or a nut.

(b) Cross pollination – This happens when the pollen gets carried to another flower or plant by the action of wind, birds, insects, or animals carry pollen from one flower to another. Wind-borne pollen also causes conditions like hay fever and allergies amongst some of us...

What is Pollen Culture?

The action of wind or other carriers like bees, animals, insects, etc is not specific and cannot be controlled. In order to get the fertilization to take place between the best varieties of trees and produce best quality hybrid seeds, it is essential to have control on how the fertilization takes place.

For this purpose Pollen Culture is resorted to. In this, the isolated pollen grains are cultured in vitro, under controlled conditions and give rise to haploid embryos; such an approach is also called pollen culture.

Pollen may be isolated either by squeezing or float culturing the anthers.
In crops that are cross-pollinated: the parent that furnishes the pollen which pollinates the stigma of the other parent in the production of seed is called the pollinator.

Procedure of pollination culture

Initially isolated pollen grains are cultured in laboratories either by method of hanging drops or by using a filter paper positioned on the cultured anthers. Subsequently, these anthers continue to spill pollen and their serial subculture finally yields pollen samplings in diverse stages of andragenesis (haploid embryo/plantlet formation from pollen grains). The cross pollination is then carried out in vitriol, i.e. in the laboratory under controlled conditions and by carefully selecting the pollinators.

Advantages of Pollen Culture

Pollen culture has many advantages. Some of these are

 Higher and better yields of hybrid variety of plants.
 Robust, disease free plants
 Higher Resilience of plants to diseases and pests
 Better aesthetics and variety
 Lesser dependence on Chemical based fertilizers and enzymes.
 Economic and cost effective production
 Better shelf life with natural resistance to various degrading vectors

The pollen culture reported from several species proves to be very as well as successful., Cross pollinated hybrids raised from pollen culture have proved to be very productive in case of many species of plants like tobacco, Datura, barley, wheat, petunia, potato, rice, rapeseed, maize, etc.


Ground radio communication forms one of the most cost effective and reliable solutions for secure long range communication. This communication saves lot of resources when compared to telephone or mobile communication. The wireless ground radio communication equipment comes is extensively used by the military as well by other government agencies in emergency situations.

The Ground Radio Communication equipment essentially consists of a transmitter and a receiver. When one module is capable of doing both the functions, it is called transceiver. Besides this it needs a power source as well as good quality compatible antennae to enable radio waves to be transmitted and received.

Different radio products are available as per the usage. They come in the form of manpacks, telephone internet connects, transceivers, crosspatch, modems, and antennas that are used for long range ground communication.
Various Frequency Ranges Used In Ground Radio Communication.
Ground Radio Communication uses different bands of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

These are primarily three types:

 HF or the High Frequency – This has a range of 3 to 30 MHz
 VHF or very high frequency – with a range between 30 MHz to 300 MHz and
 Ultra High Frequency with ranges 300 MHz to 3000MHz (3 GHz)

HF Radio Waves

Traditionally, the radio sets using HF range of frequencies are preferred because of their superior range that uses the ionosphere and can often reach vast distances across the continents often 3000 km and more. The standard commercial AM (amplitude modulated) radio uses this which is why we get transmissions from all over the world. It has inherent weakness of sound quality not being very good but with modern transceivers this has been overcome to a large extent. The Equipment is robust and comparatively cheaper.

VHF Radio Waves

VHF radio waves are "Frequency Modulated" and lie in what is called the “FM band”. This range can carry huge amount of information, hence they are also used in television broadcasts. However, FM signals are “line of sight” in nature hence having a limited use over larger distances. The quality of receptions also deteriorates in areas that have
hills and high rise buildings.

UHF Radio Waves

UHF radio waves are also called microwave frequencies. They are used for many modern gadgets like mobile phones, televisions, wireless networking, satellite radio and GPS.

UHF radio waves are capable of carrying a data rate higher than VHF thus contain more information. UHF signals can also penetrate obstacles such as buildings and clouds; UHF radio waves can therefore propagate longer distances often upto 100 miles without distortion. They also have lesser power requirements for transmission.

Advantages of HF Type Ground Radio Communications

 Cost Effectiveness - Communication made using long range HF radio sets is the cheapest as it needs lesser infrastructure
 Range: They have a range of over 3000 km.
 Infrastructure: The ground radio communication using HF frequencies requires lesser infrastructures than any other mode of communication including the satellite communication.
 Security: Ground Radio Communication using HF is more secure than other methods, which is why the army uses it. Also, various types of encryption can be done easily to data transmitting end.
 Maintenance Cost: Ground radio devices require low infrastructure, hence their maintenance cost is marginal when compared to satellite communication system.

The type of radio sets to be used depends upon the range that it is required to cover, as well as the quality of sound and the need for security of data. With modern advances in Ground Radio Communication systems it is possible to have very light, mobile units of transceivers using smaller, more compatible Antennas and are a very effective and secure means of communications.


Environmental protection and resource management has conventionally been given importance all over the world which has increased in recent time. The ancient practices taught people to live in perfect harmony with nature. However, industrialization, urbanization and changing life styles over the years have affected environment drastically in causing pollution and environment degradation.

What is EIA

The pollution in air, water and land has lead to ecological imbalance and potential health hazards. As a result, regulations in the form of laws and policies on environmental protection were introduced. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is one such effort.

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is the official appraisal process to identify, predict, evaluate and justify the ecological, social, and related biophysical effects of a proposed policy, program or project on the environment. It provides insight on alternatives and measures to be adopted before any commitment, thus helps in important decision-making. The overall objective of the EIA is to design developmental projects and activities taking into consideration the environmental perspective.

Functions of EIA:

The EIA provides the following benefits:

· an opportunity for public participation,

· increased protection of human health,

· the sustainable use of natural resources,

· reduced project costs and delays,

· minimized risks of environmental disasters,

· and increased government responsibility.

EIA particularly aims to optimize a trade-off between developmental activities and socio-ecological losses. It is a management tool linked closely to the project providing appropriate environmental information within the stipulated time.


Many countries now have mandatory legislation or policies for environmental impact assessments. In India Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was formally introduced in 1994. Both central and state authorities together share the responsibility of its development and management. An post project evaluation analysis report drawn on Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) highlights several constraints, such as improper screening and scope, ineffective monitoring and provides necessary guidelines. The legislation provides realization of opportunity for increasing public awareness, initiatives of environmental groups and business community and to integrate environmental consideration into plans and policies. Some of the unforeseen threats to the system are poor governance, rapid economic reforms and favors to small-scale units.

EIA process involves three basic steps:

(a) Preparation of the report: It involves screening, scoping and documentation.


Screening determines whether EIA is required or not, any project in ecologically fragile areas and falling under coastal zone regulation, requires an EIA.


Scoping identifies the concerns and issues to be addressed for a particular project. It involves the following steps:

I. Baseline analysis: A comparison of project-induced environmental changes with the expected environmental changes without proposed project is assessed through baseline analysis.

II. Impact prediction: The prediction analysis forecasts the nature and significance of the expected impacts.

III. Impact mitigation measures: Environmental Management Plan (EMP), risk assessment report and disaster management plan (if hazardous substances are involved in the project), rehabilitation plan (if displacement of people is anticipated) are prepared to suggest remedial measures.


A comprehensive report is prepared which summarizes the description of the project, regional settings, baseline conditions, impact prediction and important findings of the study.

(b) Review and decision-making:

The Impact Assessment (IA) division reviews the application accompanied by the documents of EIA and EMP report, No objection certificate (NOC), risk assessment and emergency preparedness plan, rehabilitation plan, details of public hearing, clearance from airport authority and state forest departments, etc. The IA is free to conduct site visits if considers necessary. Based on the EIA review and other information, the IA either grants or rejects the environment clearance to the project.

(c) Post Project Monitoring (PPM):

The PPM ensures the implementation in accordance with the measures specified while providing the environmental clearance (EC). Thus, it performs a dual task of identifying the actual environmental impacts of the project and implementation of the desired mitigation measures of the EMP.


To address the critical issues political commitment and public participation is indispensable. Improved effectiveness will also depend on strength of government agency coordination, integrated decision-making, adequate training to various stakeholders and supporting infrastructure for purposeful monitoring and enforcement. The methods of conducting environmental impact assessments are regularly revised for progressive refinement that not only help remove existing constraints but also take care of future challenges.